The C.O.W.S. Biracial And Pro-Black? Sebastian Elkouby

Monday, February 16th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

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The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Sebastian Elkouby. Mr. Elkouby is a White man married to a black female; they have two children. Additionally, he is a creative consultant, Hip Hop culture historian, writer, award-winning educator, and co-host of Take No Prisoners Radio. Mr. Elkouby recently penned article discussing he and his wife’s effort to groom their “mixed-race” children to be black and proud. He insists that in their household, the work and black lives of Marcus Garvey, Ida B Wells, Fannie Lou Hamer and Dr. Frances Cress Welsing shape his children’s understanding of what it means to be black. We’re curious to know if his wife demonstrates the same zest talking about and informing their offspring about Racism. We’re also curious to know if Mr. Elkouby heard Dr. Welsing’s view on sexual intercourse between Whites and non-whites.


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