Another Black Church Burns While Black People Twiddling Their Thumbs

6-30-2015 10-28-23 PM
Mt. Zion AME is now the seventh church to catch fire since 21-year-old Dylann Roof shot and killed nine people in Charleston, South Carolina’s Emanuel AME Church.

By Scotty Reid

The Mt. Zion AME Church in Williamsburg County, South Carolina is on fire and the roof has collapsed, according to local reports. Emergency crews are currently at the scene fighting the blaze. – RT

As another Black church burns to the ground of course my primary anger is towards the racist cowardly terrorists who are burning down places of worship. However, I am very angry with the President of the United States Barack Obama who has failed to adequately address these terrorist attacks he has yet to call acts of terrorism.

In 2010 or somewhere thereabout, the President along with Congress decided it would be a good ideal to only assign one person to track and analyze right wing extremists within Homeland Security which should accurately be called domestic terrorism.

Instead of restoring the staff to the unit tracking these racist white terrorists after the attack in Charleston by Dylan Roof, the President instead decided to focus on the liberal agenda of gun control and now is pushing the notion of advancing legislation that would force groups like the Klan to reveal donors.

Besides the slow process this legislative proposal would take and likely end up failing, it is nothing but a smoke screen when the President already has the tools he needs to go after terrorist through the Patriot Act and legislation like the National Defense Authorization Act. The Klu Klux Klan has only been embolden by the federal government’s unwillingness to take on white racist based terrorism. White Nationalist groups are using the Charleston attack to recruit new members but has the audacity to say publicly that Dylan Roof was on the right track.

6-30-2015 12-50-09 PM
The Black community needs more than a rendition of Amazing Grace in response to these terrorist attacks from President Obama.

My anger is not just reserved for white terrorists and government officials because I do not expect any thing less than what they have been doing but I am also angry that the men who are members of these churches are not pulling shifts to guard them. There are three Black churches in my community within a half of mile of each other and each and every night I go out to patrol, I have not seen a single soul keeping an eye on these buildings.

My anger is not just for the church members who not protecting their churches but for the street soldiers who were highly visible guarding businesses in Ferguson and Baltimore but no where to be seen in guarding these churches that keep getting burned down? I find it shameful that since the initial terrorist attack, the only strong Black image we have is of a Black woman being assisted by a white male who climbed the pole in South Carolina and removed that terrorist flag which was then put right back up by Black workers with no self respect or consciousness about how they were being used. After Bree Newsome climbed that pole, two black cops were waiting to arrest her.

It is pretty evident that what our great ancestor Robert F. Williams said over 50 years ago is true today in that there is no protection for Black people from the federal government in the South and that if there is to be a deterrent that Black people must create that deterrent for themselves.

Perhaps it is good that he is not with us today as I am positive that he would likely be ashamed of how passive and misguided Black people have become in this day and age in the face of such racist aggression.

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One Reply to “Another Black Church Burns While Black People Twiddling Their Thumbs”

  1. I share in your anger at usual suspects and myself for not a taking proactive roll in stopping or at least tracking these terrorist. But I also think that the government knows all about these burning and chooses not to do anything because an agenda is in play. I also believe that the government has these groups heavily infiltrated and only the way they do these thing is because they are allowed to. Just like the government knew about 9/11 and let that happen so it would play out into what we have now. Which could explain why the men of these building aren’t patrolling. We really need to form groups ourselves and do what must be done and let them chips fall where they may. Only we can stop this.

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