Detroit man convicted of killing teens apologizes for not getting justice for black victims

“I’d like to say sorry to the family of Aiyana Jones, Michael Brown, Eric Garner and I want to apologize for them for not being able to get justice for their loved ones who were murdered in cold blood and in respect for the peaceful protest I want to say hands up, don’t shoot, black lives matter,” – Fredrick Young

Its amazing to me how Mike Brown “got what he deserved”, Eric Garner “got what he deserved”, Tamir Rice “got what he was asking for”, John Crawford “got what he deserved- he should have put that toy bb gun down!”… and on and on with all these black men, women and children who “got what they deserved”, but these two drug addicts, who came into the “black neighborhood” with the express intent of committing crimes, are posthumously remembered as innocents. Smh

Double standard much? Hypocrite, perhaps? Don’t do the crime if you can’t handle the punishment- that’s what I have always heard the majority of people say.

Side Note: check out how they are going away for life in prison… not doing a 20/20 interview, not collecting a crowdfunding check for $$$$, and not retiring into anonymity as millionaires. – Yohanan EliYah

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9 Replies to “Detroit man convicted of killing teens apologizes for not getting justice for black victims”

  1. This is SOOOOO not the same thing! The two young White men went to purchase drugs, rather than sell them drugs, these two Black young men decided to torture and kill them! Makes no sense on a business aspect. Kill your customer? He is ignorant AND a hypocrite for using his sentencing as a platform to desecrate the names of those killed by police officers! >:I Why would you even want to give this fool an interview! >:I He’s the type of Black man that kills other Black men for nothing! >:I

    1. I do not recall saying I wanted to interview this man, were did you get that from. George Bush said purchasing drugs finances terrorism. You can engage in all the conjecture you like, fact is they did not kill black men so whatever. I also have no faith in this justice system, the juries so why should I assume they are actually guilty. I have not seen nor heard the evidence to make a determination on guilt or innocence of alleged crimes. I just do not believe everything I hear. He did not desecrate the names or the memories of the murdered, the system did that when they let their killers off.

      1. I ain’t referencing you, Brotha. Referencing the side note: “Side Note: check out how they are going away for life in prison… not doing a 20/20 interview, not collecting a crowdfunding check for $$$$, and not retiring into anonymity as millionaires.” —this is what I refer to when I write “Why would you even want to give this fool an interview! >:I ”

        “George Bush said purchasing drugs finances terrorism. ” –how is this relevant? And for you to state “I saw no evidence to make a determination on guilt or innocence of the alleged crimes.” You can say the exact SAME thing about the names he mentioned too! You saw no evidence of guilt or innocence so you can’t make the conclusion “.. the system did that when they let their killers off.” –by your own rational, you can’t call them killers at all. Your words. ” “I saw no evidence to make a determination on guilt or innocence of the alleged crimes.” >:I So you can’t make the conclusion that a system did anyone wrong, ’cause you saw no evidence! >:I Some insane logic, man! >:I

        1. The only thing I know about this case is two men were convicted of killing two teens who were allegedly looking for drugs. I have read and in some cases like Eric Garner, seen the crime on video. I heard all the evidence and witnesses in Ayianna Jones’ murder and heard from several witness and saw the autopsy report in the Michael Brown murder and heard Darren Wilson’s implausible story.

          Yohannan is referencing the interview Wilson was paid to do with ABC, its sarcasm.

          1. Sarcasm? Seriously? Sarcasm? Doesn’t mitigate the intent of the comment. Based out of ignorance, in my opinion. Can’t even compare the two! Two DRUG DEALERS killed potential CUSTOMERS! How that make any sense? Kidnapped, tortured, you say you reserve judgement ’cause you didn’t see the crime! >:I Dude, you’re sounding like a FEMINIST! Man looks at a woman it’s considered rape. >:I Woman looks at a man, that’s not rape! >:I You’re being contradictory AND hypocritical. The EVIDENCE presented showed these TWO MEN killed these TWO TEENS! You didn’t see the Michael Brown incident ’cause NO ONE recorded it! You didn’t see the evidence of Ayianna Jones either, ’cause NO ONE RECORDED IT! So your attempt to delve into semantics by stating ““I saw no evidence to make a determination on guilt or innocence of the alleged crimes.” is downright disingenuous and intellectually dishonest! >:I

          2. I have no interest in going back and forth with you, part of his sarcasm was that no one set up a crowd funding fundraiser to put huge amounts of money in the pockets of killers.

            I saw all the evidence that the jurors or grand jurors saw, It was made available by the media. The so-called Prosecutor in the Michael Brown case dumped everything and made it available to the media. I think you just want to argue making statements based on no facts. The two drug addicts are dead, take up Drug War policy with the US government. The two alleged killers are going to prison for life with no parole, so why are you whining?

            People are entire to their opinions but they do not get to make up “facts”.

            Have good day, I do not have time for this as it is not constructive and I have better things to do with my time.

      2. ” part of his sarcasm was that no one set up a crowd funding fundraiser to put huge amounts of money in the pockets of killers.” :I You are not even supporting your own case to defend this garbage! >:I These TWO Men are NOT innocent of the crime! For if they were INNOCENT, their last words would be “I didn’t do it.” Yet, they desecrate the names of people and raise their hand “Don’t shoot!” Fact you defend this as reasonable goes to show…man you’re a hypocrite, intellectuallly dishonest for even co-signing this article! >:I YEah, you can’t go back and forth with me, ’cause you KNOW you’re in ERROR on making the statement ” “I saw no evidence to make a determination on guilt or innocence of the alleged crimes.” INSANE! No, with logic like this, I don’t see this network flourishing at all! Too much dishonesty. Will go the way of David Duke! >:I

      3. “The two alleged killers are going to prison for life with no parole, so why are you whining?” :I Yet, these two CRIMINALS are trying to paint themselves in the same light as Eric Garner? Comeon now! This is why folks can’t take Black folk seriously! >:I Don’t know the difference between a crack fiend and a Black Queen! >:I Yet, a song tries to hold the two as equals? That’s the craziness! >:I

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