The C.O.W.S. w/ Allison Manswell: WORKPLACE RACISM

Sunday, October 19th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific


The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Allison Manswell. A life coach, motivational speaker and author, Ms. Manswell combines her expertise in organizational, employee and leadership development with personal experiences over 24 years working in corporate and government settings. We’ll examine her most recent book, Listen In: Crucial Conversations on Race in the Workplace. The book “follows five African-American characters as they exchange personal experiences that happen behind the research, data and attempts at best practices.” Manswell offers insight on issues of black hair and what being a ‘good fit’ means, the contradiction of why height isn’t an advantage for Black males, and how words make a difference in conversations. We get her recommendation for the best way of handling sexual harassment or unwanted touching. We encourage non-white listeners to call in with concerns related to Racism on the job.
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