BTR News: Trump’s Kill List, Trump’s Incitement of Violence, Militarized Police & Global Afrophobia

Tune in for news, information and commentary on some of the top news stories of the week. Callers are welcome to share their opinions and insights on the news.

In The News…

2 journalists sue Trump over ‘kill list’

Two journalists who believe they are on the so-called “kill list” of individuals targeted by the U.S. for deadly drone strikes are suing President Donald Trump and other top administration officials. Former Al Jazeera Islamabad bureau chief Ahmad Zaidan and freelance journalist Bilal Kareem filed a lawsuit Thursday in U.S.

Judge: Trump Incited Violence Against Protesters At Kentucky Rally

A federal judge in Kentucky is allowing a lawsuit by three protesters assaulted at a Donald Trump campaign rally last March to move forward, agreeing with the plaintiffs that Trump’s call from the podium for his supporters to “get ’em out of here” incited rally-goers to physically attack them. 

Ron Paul: Don’t Increase the US Government’s Flow of Military Weapons to Police

Interviewed Wednesday at Fox Business by host Kennedy, libertarian communicator and three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul praised former President Barack Obama for placing some restraints on the United States government transferring military weapons to local police and criticized the potential action by President Donald Trump to resume the full flow of military weapons.

Attacks on Africans expose India’s racist inclinations

On Monday, March 27, hundreds of people in New Delhi went on a mob rampage and attacked several African students. The violence was sparked by allegations that five African students were involved in the drug trade and the overdose death of a young Indian boy.

China has an irrational fear of a “black invasion” bringing drugs, crime, and interracial marriage

Beijing Earlier this month in Beijing, amid the pomp of China’s annual rubber-stamp parliament meetings, a politician proudly shared with reporters his proposal on how to “solve the problem of the black population in Guangdong.” The latter province is widely known in China to have many African migrants.

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2 Replies to “BTR News: Trump’s Kill List, Trump’s Incitement of Violence, Militarized Police & Global Afrophobia”

  1. when are we, as melinated people, will get through our heads that nothing is going to change until “we change.” why are we still looking to believe that the laws of this land includes us? first, we must begin to respect ourselves. we must stop re-acting to the statements of europeans. they are on the eternal down slide of things and they will do anything to stay on top! we must begin to focus on us as a people, for it is JUST US. it’s as Dr. John Henrik Clarke said, “We have no friends.” No other group of people have ever cared for the Afrikan…..if we do not do it, it is not happening. we are our “savior” and “majik.” there is no-thing or no one coming. we are IT!!! time to go back and fetch (Sankofa) our Ancient Ancestral Ways of doing things. we must carry it forth to our present times. without the Ancient Afrikan Ancestors WAKE UP melinated people!

    1. Maybe you are not but it sounds like you are victim blaming.

      I do not see anything that the African victims reported on in this podcast did wrong to some how suggest that they are the blame for being attacked.

      Racists need to stop practicing racism.

      I do not know about any Ancient Ancestral ways that can prevent racism. If you can provide some more context or pointers that would be great.

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