BTR News: Did Donald Trump Model His Campaign After Klasman David Duke?

Actor Topher Grace who plays the white nationalist terrorist and former politician David Duke in Spike Lee’s new film BlacKKKlansman discovered something troubling about Donald Trump while researching Duke for his role.

Apparently, according to Grace, Donald Trump copied the campaign slogans and chants of David Duke, that Trump and his supporters have become very fond of saying since the former reality tv star started running for president in 2016. The slogans “America First”, “Make America Great Again”, “Build A Wall” and later “Build The Wall” were all central themes of former Ku Klux Klan (KKK) Grand Wizard David Duke’s political campaigns for public office.

Duke himself acknowledges on Twitter that he started using the slogans before Donald Trump whose campaign was criticized for using the rhetoric of white supremacist terrorists but that did not stop CNN and other outlets from giving Trump what amounted to billions of dollars in free campaign ads. David Duke says he will not sue Donald Trump for intellectual property theft unless the Trumpster reneges on the promises Duke claims Trump made to white nationalists.

Trump’s popularity with Neo-Nazis and White Supremacist Terrorist and their sympathizers apparently was a campaign strategy from the start orchestrated by using the chants and slogans they were accustomed to hearing from people like David Duke. Donald Trump has been credited as he should be, with emboldening overt and formerly covert suspected racists proud again to wear their racism on their sleeves.

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