Conversation Reparations: Talking Covid 19 And Reparations w/ Kamm Howard

Guest : Kamm Howard National Male Co-Chair of NCOBRA

Transgenerational Epigenetics is a new field of science, about 15 years old, that examines how cataclysmic occurrences can alter a portion of the gene, and how that altered expression is passed down generationally. Due to the transgenerational epigenetic injury – the forced removal from Africa, a slave diet that consisted largely of cornmeal and fat, and 500 years of terror – Black people are highly susceptible to develop, at some point in their lifetimes, major diseases and life-challenging illnesses than other ethnic groups in America. This is what this science has revealed. Black people, people of African descent, are not the same as everyone else in Chicago or in America. The COVID 19 death-rate is just the latest metric to demonstrate this. It also offers the latest proof that targeted resources for this community are a must. Those resources are called reparations. It is what is owed, what is due and what is just.

Conversation Reparations is an hour-long digital radio broadcast and audio podcast focusing on the issue of Reparations. It is produced by NCOBRA with audio engineering and podcasting support provided by the non-profit media organization Black Talk Media Project. Conversation Reparations broadcasts live digitally on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 9 pm est on the Black Talk Radio Network.

Conversation Reparations is hosted by Jumoke Ifetayo SE Region Representative of NCOBRA and he can be contacted by email at or 678 437-7882

N’COBRA, The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America is an organization based out of Washington, DC, that seeks full repair for the descendants of former victims of slavery in the United States based on the United Nations’s five forms of Reparations.

Visit N’COBRA online. On Twitter @NCOBRA40 

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Conversation Reparations - BLACK TALK RADIO NETWORK™
Conversation Reparations - BLACK TALK RADIO NETWORK™

Conversation Reparations is an hour-long digital radio broadcast and podcast focusing on the issue of Reparations. It is hosted by Jumoke Ifetayo and Bonita Lacy of N'COBRA. The program is broadcast live on the 1st and 3rd Mondays on the Black Talk Radio Network.

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