“Time for an Awakening” for Sunday 12/27/2020 at 7:00 PM (EST) “COVID19,The vaccine, and Black America”. guest Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad

“Time for an Awakening” for Sunday 12/27/2020 at 7:00 PM guest was NOI Minister of Health and Director of the Abundant Life Clinic in Washington DC, Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad.”Covid 19, The vaccine, and Black America” was the topic. Dr. Alim updated us on COVID19, the two vaccines that are being provided, the new strains first identified in the UK, and what we can do as a community to protect ourselves other than vaccines.

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4 Replies to ““Time for an Awakening” for Sunday 12/27/2020 at 7:00 PM (EST) “COVID19,The vaccine, and Black America”. guest Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad”

  1. Mr. Reid and audience:

  2. Please provide evidence that Dr. ALIM IN 1993 was promoting unreliable drugs for the treatment of HIV. Do you have information that the US did not create AIDS to kill black people if yes please share. Do you have an explanation for the cause of young black men’s death due to the coronavirus?

    1. All it takes is using Google or the search engine of your choice and find articles from the early 90s. Where is his proof of links between Covid & Wireless 5G technology? COVID is killing people all over the planet so your framing it like it is only killing black people is ludacris. COVID 19 has not been weaponized by the US govt collaborating with China to target black people. If you want an explanation and proof that dark melanin blocks vitamin d production in the body and a lot of African Americans are vitamin d deficient due to many other reasons like lack of access to healthcare to even know they are lacking vitamin d and need supplements. BTR News w/ Scotty Reid: Melanin Playing A Role In High Death Rate of Black Men?

  3. This guy is a quack who was promoting unproven drugs back in 1993 to combat HIV while saying the US govt created aids to kill black people but was applying for and getting money from that very same US government. His medical perspective seems to be more based on his religious ideology rather than any peer-reviewed scientific study. I could not hear this podcast because of the poor audio quality but maybe that’s a blessing in disguise since the Nation of Islam’s official position is to tell black people not to get vaccinated for a disease that is killing Black men up to nine times the rates of the rest of the US population. I reject that position.

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