Thug Philly cop pleads guilty in ongoing federal corruption case


Another thug cop working for the Philadelphia police department has been busted committing crimes against the good people of the city. A veteran Philadelphia police officer entered a guilty plea in a far-reaching corruption probe involving the historically corrupt police department. A former narcotics officer named Jeffrey Walker pled guilty in federal court today admitting to various robbery and weapons charges.

However, as stated, the Philadelphia police department has a very long history of corruption under various police chiefs going back over 60 years, so it should come as no surprise that Jeffrey Walker might have had co-conspirators. Walker is expected to violate the departments no-snitch rule and participate in the investigation to help federal investigators root out other gang members on the force.

The Philadelphia police department union was recently in the center of a controversy involving a grassroots smear campaign against President Obama’s nominee to head the Justice Department’s civil rights division, Debo Adegbile.

The National Fraternal Order of Police which represents over 30,000 gang members played in key role in spreading disinformation to the US Senate and staffers. The FOP as it is known was upset that Adegbile played a minor role in a defense case for former Black Panther Mumia Abu Jamal. Never mind the fact that the Police department was known at that time to be openly racist and was sued by the US Justice Department in the 1970s over police brutality against blacks.

The current federal investigation into the notorious Philadelphia criminal organization is ongoing and the FOP is quiet about the case.

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