Justice Radio Station: Mistik Mixx – Analyze, Evaluate Eurocentric Universal Mistreatment Socialization Process of Mistreatment. In Context, is All History A Current Event?


Welcome, Greetings Everyone, How are things?We are here now, Recognizing, Resolving, Replacing, Replacing the Universal Eurocentric Psychological Mistreatment Socialization Process of Mistreatment.

In Context of Reality of. In Context in Reality of All People World Wide…. Counter War for Liberation, Freedom, Inalienable Rights! What do you think about this suggestion For….

Counter War for Liberation, Freedom, Inalienable Rights?!

What constructive results expected now? Repealing, Repealing Universal Eurocentric Psychological Mistreatment Process of Socialization that use ideology White good, Black bad, as a way to develop a social system.

Replacing, replacing the Universal Eurocentric  Mistreatment Socialization Process of Mistreatment with a Socialization Process where the individual guarantee no one is mistreated including the individual, will stop Self Deception.

For this to happen three(3) things to understand, to know. 

3) Understand Universal Eurocentric Mistreatment Socialization Process of Mistreatment that control thoughts, speech, actions with the Ideology: Black is Bad, White is Good.

This Idea developed into an Ideology using Psychological Rationalizations, Established Socially through Individual Participation.

2) Ask, Answer, Know: Where am I on a Planet in deep space, down here on the ground? Where actually am I?

  1. THE BIG ONE: Who and What Am I? What is this Human?                                                              Everything has to be questioned.                                 Black Talk Radio Network :                           Justice Radio Station: Mistik Mixx -Counter War for Liberation, Freedom, Inalienable Rights.            How are things? Comments, Suggestions Welcomed  democracyversusjustice@gmail.com


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