“Time for an Awakening”, Sunday 3/03/2023 at 7:00 PM (EST) guests; Activist, Organizer, President, Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Association-Memphis, Thomas Burrell

“Time for an Awakening” with Bro.Elliott & Bro.Richard, Sunday 3/03/2023 at 7:00 PM (EST) guests was Activist, Organizer, President, Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Association-Memphis, Thomas Burrell. Mr. Burrell updated the listeners on the BFAA-organized gatherings and meetings of Black Farmers and Landowners around Mason Tennessee and in several southern states, about the Blue Oval City. The mission; is to capitalize on economic opportunities for the Black Community and Landowners, as Blue Oval City makes its home in the region. Hear about this and other information from the President of BFAA-Memphis, Mr. Thomas Burrell. Also, open forum conversation on issues and topics that affect Black People locally, nationally, and internationally.


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One Reply to ““Time for an Awakening”, Sunday 3/03/2023 at 7:00 PM (EST) guests; Activist, Organizer, President, Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Association-Memphis, Thomas Burrell”

  1. Thanks to the guest Mr. Thomas Burrell, Bro. Elliot, Bro. Richard and your listening audience for a very encouraging and enlightening show. TFAA continues batting 1.000 with great content in a timely manner! This show’s discussion has been like a source of personal vindication and especially where numerous comments were made by the guest and hosts. I do plan to become a member and hopeful contributor to BFAA in the near future.
    The irony of the information discussed in this show concerning loans and credit necessary for various enterprises, as well as the challenges and historical context of black entrepreneurs is something to heavily consider in our next moves toward practical economic rebirth and generational wealth for our future as a people. I wholeheartedly agree that new consumer, commercial and farm banking enterprises must be created, administered, controlled and financed with new business models. In hindsight, we witnessed the failures of (what’s supposed to be!) political representatives and government organizations in our interactions with them. For example, while the federal and state governments have simultaneously and regularly hemmed and hawed about land-based or monetary reparations for Black Americans’ historical transgressions, it had no hesitation or reservations in securing loans for already successful businesses such as Ford Motor Company. For those who may not know, Elon Musk of Tesla Motor Company also received a loan of more than $460 million from the Obama Administration’s Department of Energy for its start-up at the infancy of the electric vehicle industry in 2010.
    As stated, the onus is on us to create, developed and administer black-owned banks of scale throughout the U.S., backed by assets and collateral that is wholly controlled and owned by black shareholders, boards and investors.
    Again, thanks for a great, informative and educational show from TFAA & Best of Continued Success!!!

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