BTR News: Meet Spandan Chakrabarti – Anti-Bernie Sanders Smear Merchant For The Healthcare Industry

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By Scotty T. Reid – The power of the internet is that it allows individuals, small media business owners, and grassroots activists to potentially reach a wider audience in advocating for and highlighting the issues that they care about. Net Neutrality protects this group from being silenced and effectively censored by the Big Media 6 that controls 90% of what the public sees, hears and reads as it would prevent them from limiting traffick to online-based platforms. However, everyone who uses the internet to reach a wider audience doesn’t always have good intentions. Some small publishers often imitate what they see on television, cable networks and radio stations owned and controlled by the Big Media 6 corporations and special interest groups.

Recently I came across one such individual using social media to promote his blogs that are advertised as progressive thought but is really a Neo-Liberal propaganda outlet targeting Bernie Sanders campaign specifically and the other for promoting positive media for establishment Democrats. I was alerted when I came across the twitter accounts promoting a story about Bernie Sanders campaign rally in New York that did not resonate as an honest accounting as it tried using race to portray the event in a negative light.

In vetting the blogs VETTING BERNIE 2020 which is billed as a project of the blog The People’s View, I discovered a single individual named Spandan Chakrabarti who has a background in the healthcare industry which is being threatened by Sanders’s Medicare For All legislation. This podcast reveals what I found after suffering a mountain of smears and abuse from Mr. Chakrabarti who pretends to be a friend to Black and Latino communities aka P.O.C.

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